Saturday, December 23, 2017

Bomber Belle- Different Jacket Art

Here is another Bomber Belle figure that I painted with more detailed artwork on the back of her
jacket.  Again, the paints used were mostly acrylics with some lacquer & enamel.  Some of the
line work of the airplane is graphite pencil.  Approximately 1/8 scale.


  1. I just purchased Bomber Belle and cant wait to get started painting. Can you give any tips/suggestions for the lettering on the bomb? Freehand? Or is there a stencil that small that I can use?

  2. Hello- Sorry that I did not answer sooner- I just saw the comment.
    The lettering on the bomb was done with dry transfer lettering- AR35108B (Generic Lettering) AR35143B (Numbers) They were applied individually & sealed with clear lacquer.
    Thanks for getting the kit.

  3. Hi, awesome work, just wondering how you did the design on the back of her jacket as I have purchased this kit and would like to attempt the same.

    1. Thanks for the comment. For the jacket artwork- I worked with
      images I found online & in reference books to make some stencils,
      pencil outlines were drawn & then the details were painted. I know
      that others have used decals as well. On eBay, I have seen pin-up
      & other decals that could be used.

  4. Hello David
    Can I just start by saying that your work if phenomenal and really beautifully sculpted.

    I have all four of your pin up girls and I really hope that you sculpt more of them.
    I found a picture of a sculpture that you made called carhop service and I would love to have this one to add to your others.
    I am a model maker and your pieces take pride of place in my collection.
    Do you think that you will be making any new pin ups?
    Kind regards
